Advisory Note: All walks require protective footwear and clothing including a hat. Carry a first aid kit or at least a snake bite kit. Also carry drinking water.
Tree of Life Spiritual Walk
The Tree of Life Spiritual Walk is based upon a model of the creation of the universe, energy, the soul and life. The form of the Tree of Life is often seen in jewelry and design in the form of a wide-spreading tree.
The actual Tree of Life model derives from the Jewish Kabbalah and may be structured like the image on the right. The actual walk is a simplified version of this model, still incorporating all of the definitive features, and is designed so that a structured spiritual walk can be commenced at either end.
In the image below, the yellow circle is the spiritual source and the brown circle is the physical earth. There are 11 paths between the Source and the Earth (similar to the Labyrinth). The paths connect between 10 circles which represent defined states of existence. In all there are 22 paths - the outward journey and the return inward journey.
The walk is about following the sequential paths of the Soul's journey. It is a great location just to enjoy a walk in the fresh air and the natural surrounds. The kangaroos & wallabies frequent the open grassed area in the mornings/evenings and sometimes at any time during the day. The view of The Rock from the Tree of Life is the best, particularly in the South-east corner. As you walk further into the corner, the Rock rises up higher and is more significant.
Please respect the privacy of others and avoid the precincts of the Main Residence and the Cabin Retreats of other guests.